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SonList 1091634 P1 P1harmony profile | discography | awards. You might also like. The group debuted on october 28,. 6 p1harmony songs you should have on your playlist and on repeat. All of the p1harmony songs are certified bops and here are some of our. Webcomposer andy love, benjmn, b. o. (kor) & 14 more. Lyricist benjmn, han seong ho (한성호), intak (p1harmony) & 4 more. Webarranger adam alexander, command freaks, dimitri ehrlich & 8 more. Background vocals adam alexander, albin nordqvist, 문 킴 (moon kim) & 1 more.

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Read also: Mpek Mpek Terdekat

Background vocals adam alexander, albin nordqvist, 문 킴 (moon kim) & 1 more.